Sunday, May 23, 2004
Here's a movie review that is the height of just-too-muchery. The Day After Tomorrow. The movie is about a sudden climate disaster in which global warming leads to an instant ice age with climate upheavals that essentially destroy the world. Good times. It's from the New York Times, so you have to register to see it, but I'll excerpt the best part for all you lazy schlubs who are too tired to register for free things online:
And I couldn't resist one more excerpt.
Stay tuned for more good stuff, assuming my head doesn't just explode into chunky bits from the sheer insanity of it all.
"Your first fear with a movie like this is that it's so spectacular it would nullify the idea," he said, as technicians from Snow Business, the company supplying about 10 truckloads of fake flakes, refilled the blowers with "medium snow" for the next blizzard shot. "People might just get back in their S.U.V.'s at the end." But as he learned more about the human role in climate change, Mr. Gyllenhaal said, he became more committed both to making the film and to trying to curb the emissions associated with his own lifestyle. "Hopefully we're getting the message out there," he said.
Critics of the movie, including Steven J. Milloy, a commentator for and the libertarian, industry-supported Cato Institute, have jumped on statements of this sort. Mr. Milloy recently wrote that the whole project smacks of "nauseating elitism."
And I couldn't resist one more excerpt.
Some environmentalists have expressed surprise that the film, with a budget topping $125 million, is coming from 20th Century Fox, a division of the News Corporation. That conservative media empire, run by Rupert Murdoch, regularly produces commentaries, like Mr. Milloy's, attacking global warming as an eco-alarmist fantasy. Mr. Milloy has called Mr. Emmerich a big-budget eco-extremist. "The movie's unmistakable purpose," he wrote recently, "is to scare us into submitting to the Greens' agenda: domination of society through control of energy resources."
Stay tuned for more good stuff, assuming my head doesn't just explode into chunky bits from the sheer insanity of it all.
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